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Under Review, Pre-Prints
Book Chapters
Technical Reports and Policy Briefs
- Wilkinson, GM, TJ Butts, M Simonson, ML Weber. (In revision) Experimental evaluation of the effects of bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) density on shallow lake ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
- Albright, EA, R Ladwig, GM Wilkinson. (In review) Macrophyte-induced stratification mediates pond response to an aquatic heatwave. Limnology & Oceanography
- Walter, JA, RA Johnson, JW Atkins, DA Ortiz, GM Wilkinson (in review) Toward a standardized method for quantifying ecosystem hot spots and hot moments. Ecosystems
- Shingai, QK, GM Wilkinson. (In press) The microcystin biogeochemical cycle: Pools, fluxes, and fates in inland waters. Limnology & Oceanography Letters.
- Beal, MRW, Wilkinson, GM, P Block (In press) Large scale seasonal forecasting of peak season algae metrics in the Midwest and Northeast U.S. Water Research
- Carpenter, SR, ML Pace, GM Wilkinson. (2022) DOC, grazers, and resilience of phytoplankton to enrichment. Limnology & Oceanography Letters.
- Butts, TJ, EK Moody, GM Wilkinson. (2022) Seasonal dynamics of zooplankton community nutrient cycling and body size dynamics in a hypereutrophic reservoir. Journal of Plankton Research.
- Albright, EA and GM Wilkinson. (2022) Sediment phosphorus speciation controls hot spots and hot moments of internal loading in a temperate reservoir. Ecosphere 13(8): e4201.
- Albright, EA, R Fleck, Q Shingai, GM Wilkinson. (2022) High inter- and intra-lake variation in sediment phosphorus pools in shallow lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 127: e2022JG006817.
- Wilkinson, GM, JA Walter, CD Buelo, ML Pace (2022) No evidence of widespread algal bloom intensification in hundreds of lakes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20(1): 16-21.
- Moody, EK, TJ Butts, R Fleck, PD Jeyasingh, GM Wilkinson (2022) Eutrophication-driven eco-evolutionary dynamics indicated by differences in stoichiometric traits among populations of Daphnia pulicaria. Freshwater Biology 67: 353-364.
- Ortiz, DA and GM Wilkinson. (2021) Understanding spatial heterogeneity: before, during, and after an algal bloom. Freshwater Biology 66: 2064-2075.
- Leung, T, GM Wilkinson, E Swanner. (2021) The role of iron availability during to cyanobacteria dominance of algal blooms, as monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence. Inland Waters 11: 417-429.
- Brookfield, A, A Hansen, PL Sullivan, J Czuba, MF Kirk, L Li, M Newcomer, GM Wilkinson. (2021) Predicting algal blooms: Are we overlooking groundwater? Science of the Total Environment 769: 144442.
- Walter, JA, GM Wilkinson, J Castons, R Fleck, ML Pace (2021) Temporal coherence between lake and landscape primary productivity. Ecosystems 24: 502-515.
- Ortiz, DA, J Palmer, GM Wilkinson (2020) Detecting statistical early warning indicators of algal blooms in shallow eutrophic lakes. Ecosphere 11(10):e03200.
- Weber, M, GM Wilkinson, M Balmer, MC Bevil (2020) Environmental changes in eutrophic lakes following restoration. Hydrobiologia 847: 4469–4486.
- Walter, JA, R Fleck, ML Pace, GM Wilkinson (2020) Scaling relationships between lake surface area and catchment area. Aquatic Science 82: Article 47.
- Wilkinson, GM, JA Walter, R Fleck, ML Pace (2020) Beyond the trends: The need to understand multi-annual dynamics in aquatic ecosystems. Limnology & Oceanography Letters 5: 281-286.
- Moody, EK, EA Albright, K Cope, R Fleck, H Grigel, DA Ortiz, GM Wilkinson. (2019) Taxonomic and geographic gaps in the functional importance of imperiled fishes. Fish and Fisheries 20: 795-801.
- Moody, E and GM Wilkinson (2019) Functional turnover of zooplankton communities in eutrophic lakes. Freshwater Biology 64: 608-616.
- Pace, ML, SR Carpenter, GM Wilkinson (2019) Long term studies and reproducibility: Lessons from whole lake experiments. Limnology and Oceanography 64: 22-33.
- Wilkinson, GM, A Besterman, CD Buelo, JA Gephart, ML Pace (2018) A synthesis of modern organic carbon burial rates in coastal and inland ecosystems. Scientific Reports 8: 15736.
- Wilkinson, GM, SR Carpenter, JJ Cole, ML Pace, RD Batt, CD Buelo, J Kurtzweil. (2018) Early warning signals precede cyanobacterial blooms in multiple whole-lake experiments. Ecological Monographs 88: 188-203.
- Oreska, M, GM Wilkinson, KJ McGlathery, M Bost, BA McKee (2018) Non-seagrass carbon contributions to seagrass sediment blue carbon. Limnology and Oceanography 63 (S1): S3-S18.
- Tanentzap, AJ, BW Kielstra, GM Wilkinson, M Berggren, N Craig, PA del Giorgio, J Grey, JM Gunn, SE Jones, J Karlsson, CT Solomon, ML Pace (2018) Terrestrial support of lake food webs: synthesis reveals controls over cross-ecosystem resource use. Science Advances 3, e1601765.
- Pace, ML, RD Batt, CD Buelo, SR Carpenter, JJ Cole, J Kurtzweil, GM Wilkinson. (2017) Reversal of a Cyanobacterial Bloom in Response to Early Warnings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114: 352-357.
- Wilkinson, GM, C Buelo, JJ Cole, ML Pace (2016) Exogenously produced CO2 more than doubles the flux of greenhouse gases from three north temperate lakes. Geophysical Research Letters 43: 1996-2003.
- Greiner, JT, KE Emery, GM Wilkinson, KJ McGlathery (2016) Identifying carbon source contributors to restored seagrass sediment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 551: 95-105.
- Carpenter, SR, JJ Cole, ML Pace, GM Wilkinson (2016) Response of plankton to nutrients, planktivory, and terrestrial organic matter: A model analysis of whole-lake experiments. Ecology Letters 19: 230-239.
- Wilkinson, GM, JJ Cole, ML Pace, RA Johnson, M Kleinhans (2015) The contribution of biological and physical processes to the formation and persistence of oxygen maxima in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 60: 242-251.
- Wilkinson, GM, JJ Cole, ML Pace (2015) The sensitivity of deuterium based allochthony estimates to the dietary water correction and lipid content. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 13(5): 213-223.
- Emery, KA, GM Wilkinson, FG Ballard, ML Pace (2015) Use of allochthonous resources by zooplankton in reservoirs. Hydrobiologia 758: 257-269.
- Emery, KA, GM Wilkinson, VF Camacho-Ibar, ML Pace, KJ McGlathery, JM Sandoval-Gil, J Hernádez-López (2015) Resource use of a cultured oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in the reverse estuary Bahía San Quintín, Baja California, Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 39:866-874.
- Batt, RD, SR Carpenter, JJ Cole, ML Pace, RA Johnson, JK Kurtzweil, GM Wilkinson. (2015) Altered energy flow in the food web of an experimentally darkened lake. Ecosphere 6: Article 33.
- Wilkinson, GM, SR Carpenter, JJ Cole, ML Pace (2014) Use of deep autochthonous resources by zooplankton: Results of a metalimnetic addition of 13C to a small lake. Limnology and Oceanography 59: 986-996.
- Yang, C, GM Wilkinson, JJ Cole, SA Macko, ML Pace (2014) Determining the isotopic values of resource end members in freshwater food web studies. Inland Waters 4: 233-242.
- Wilkinson, GM, ML Pace, JJ Cole (2013) Terrestrial dominance of organic matter in north temperate lakes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27: 43-51.
- Wilkinson, GM, SR Carpenter, JJ Cole, ML Pace, C Yang (2013) Terrestrial support of pelagic consumers among lakes: Patterns and variability revealed from a multi-lake study. Freshwater Biology 58: 2037-2049.
Book Chapters
- Wilkinson, GM, RA Johnson. In press. Eutrophication of Freshwater and Coastal Ecosystems. In the Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, 2nd Edition, Springer.
- Wilkinson, GM, EA Albright (2022) Phosphorus Cycling in Lacustrine Ecosystems. In the Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd Edition
- Wilkinson, GM (2017) Eutrophication of Freshwater and Coastal Ecosystems. In the Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, Springer.
- Emery, KA, JA Gephart, GM Wilkinson, AF Besterman, ML Pace (2016) Modeling drivers of trophic cascades and food-web alterations in a lake ecosystems. Learner-Centered Teaching Activities for Environmental and Sustainability Studies.
Technical Reports and Policy Briefs
- Albright, EA, J Briggs, H Schlimm, GM Wilkinson (2023) Internal phosphorus loading in Iowa lakes: Causes, consequences, and management recommendations. Prepared for the Lake Restoration group of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
- Wilkinson, GM and CD Buelo. (2022) Are algal blooms getting worse in lakes? Nelson Institute’s Policy Issue series on Water Pollution.
- Wilkinson, GM, W Crumpton, C Rehmann, E Sandry, B Noack, D Green (2021) Des Moines River Water Quality Monitoring Network 2020 Annual Report. Submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District.
- Wilkinson, GM, W Crumpton, C Rehmann, E Sandry, B Noack, D Green (2020) Des Moines River Water Quality Monitoring Network 2019 Annual Report. Submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District.
- Wilkinson, GM (2019) Report on the Study of Green Valley Lake Stratification and Phosphorus Cycling. Submitted to the Lake Restoration Program, Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
- Wilkinson, GM, W Crumpton, C Rehmann, E Sandry, B Noack, D Green (2019) Des Moines River Water Quality Monitoring Network 2018 Annual Report. Submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District.
- Wilkinson, GM (2018) "Is this lake healthy? And other difficult questions to answer" Getting into Soil and Water
- Wilkinson, GM and JJ Cole (2017) “How many limnologists does it take to fix the plumbing?” Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.
- Wilkinson, GM (2015) “The President's Speech” ESA Centennial Writing Contest, Runner Up. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13 (5): 283
- Wilkinson, GM (2015) “The benefits of student membership in ASLO.” Bulletin of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography 24: 92-93, doi:10.1002/lob.10057